
Loan Rates

Rates Effective February 1, 2025

Auto Loans
New Auto (Up to36 Months) As Low As 5.29%
New Auto (37-48 Months) As Low As 5.59%
New Auto (49-66 Months) As Low As 5.79%
New Auto (67-75 Months) As Low As 6.29%
New Auto (76-84 Months) As Low As 6.79%
Used Auto (2020-2024) Same as new auto
Used Auto (2016-2019) As Low As 6.29%
Used Auto (2015 and older) As Low As 6.79%
Recreational Vehicles
New & Used *APR – As Low As
36 Months 6.49%
48 Months 6.99%
66 Months 7.24%
75 Months 7.49%
84 Months 7.74%
96 Months 7.99%
Personal Loan
Term *APR – As Low As
Up to 60 Months 9.49%
  • The amount or percentage of the down payment (if applicable).

An example of a payment is $439.77 at 5.49% for 66 months on $25,000 with 0% Down.

Real Estate

Please contact Artesia Credit Union for all real estate questions at 575-748-9779.

Share Rates

Share Secured

Share Secured
Product Amount Financed Rate
Share Accounts Not to exceed the principal & interest due 3.50% over the current share rate
Share Certificates Not to exceed the principal and interest due 2.00% over the current share certificate rate

Regular Shares

Regular Shares
Share Balance Dividend Rate Annual Percentage Yield
$100.00-$4,999.99 0.20% 0.20%
$5,000.00-$9,999.99 0.40% 0.40%
$10,000.00-$34,999.99 0.50% 0.50%
$35,000.00-$49,999.99 0.60% 0.60%
$50,000.00 99,999.99 0.75% 0.75%


  • $25 minimum to open account
  • $1 one time membership fee
  • Rates are effective July 1, 2023 and are subject to change without notice including after an account is opened
  • Regular Shares require a $25 minimum balance at all times
  • Fees could reduce the earnings on the account

Share Draft / Checking

Share Draft / Checking
Dividend Rate Annual Percentage Yield
0.50% 0.50%

Share Certificates

Share Certificates
Term Dividend Rate Annual Percentage Yield
6 month 3.00% 3.04%
12 month 4.25% 4.32%
24 month 4.10% 4.16%
36 month 3.45% 3.49%
48 month 3.45% 3.49%
60 month 3.45% 3.49%
  • $5,000.00 Minimum Deposit
  • Early Withdrawal Penalty- 90 Days Dividend
  • Rates are effective July 1, 2023 and are subject to change without notice
  • Certificates which are automatically renewed will receive the rate in effect on the renewal date, which may be different from the renewing certificate rate
  • Fees could reduce the earnings on the account

IRA and Money Market

IRA Shares

IRA Shares
Amount Dividend Rate Annual Percentage Yield
$25.00-$9,999.99 1.00% 1.00%
$10,000.00-24,999.99 1.25% 1.26%
$25,000.00-49,999.99 1.50% 1.51%
$50,000.00 and up 1.75% 1.76%
100,000.00 and up 2.00% 2.02%
  • Rates are effective July 1, 2023 and are subject to change without notice
  • Is not a variable rate account. Rate is fixed
  • $25.00 minimum to open account
  • Fees could reduce the earnings on the account

IRA Certificates

IRA Certificates
Term Dividend Rate Annual Percentage Rate
12 Month 4.25% 4.32%
24 Month 4.50% 4.58%
  • Rates are effective July 1, 2023 and are subject to change without notice
  • Is not a variable rate account. Rate is fixed
  • $5,000.00 minimum to open account
  • Fees could reduce the earnings on the account

Money Market Accounts (Big Dog Investor)

Share Draft / Checking
Dividend Rate Annual Percentage Yield
Starting at .75% Starting at .75%
  • $1,000.00 minimum to open account
  • Is not a variable account. Rate is fixed
  • For all Share Accounts, Dividends are paid monthly.
  • Fees could reduce the earnings on the account

Overdraft Protection

Overdraft Protection

18.00% *APR

  • Amounts added to Overdraft Protection loan in increments of $25.00.
  • Rates and terms are based on your credit history.
  • An example of a payment is $25.00 monthly for a $300.00 loan at 18.00% for 14 months. For other payment options, call your loan officer at (575) 748-9779.
  • The annual percentage rate is fixed and will not increase after consummation.
  • No participation fees

    *APR refers to Annual Percentage Rate.